<linearGradient id="sl-pl-wheel-svg-grad01" linear-gradient(45deg, #000, #803100 49%, #800000 50%, #000)


This is my first assignment at IDN, and here I have created a game using Scratch. The name of the game is “Catching Fish.”

Catching fish is a game where you catch
or collect fruit using a bowl, and don’t get
hit by enemies If you catch an enemy,
you’ll lose


assalamulaikum waroh matullahiwabarokatu This video speech is about believing in Allah, so I recorded this video with Mr. Rizki and memorized the text. After that, I recorded it with Mr. Rizki. I apologize if my voice is unclear or if I sound boring. Thank you for watching my video and also visiting my website, and I am grateful to Mr. Rizki for helping me. That’s the last thing I want to say.wasalamualiku waroh matullahi wabarokatu

assalmualikum waroh matullhiwabarokatu my name is muhammad zizaudin zidane this time i made a video presentation about my game entitled space shooter and i also explained what scratch is, why i chose scratch and also i demonstrated my game and i also told you how to play and I also thank MR Rizki who helped me record this video maybe that’s all from me thank you wassalamualikum waroh matullahi wabarokatu

Assalamualikum warohmatullhi wabarokatu halo myname is muhammad zizaudin zidane you can call me zizauthis time I made a video speech with my friend named Aufan and this time I talked about Eid al-Fitr and  Eid al-Adha maybe that all form me sory if we made any mistake wasalamualikum waroh matullahi wabarokatu

assalamualikum waroh matullahi wabarokatu this is a podcash video of me and my friend this time I was the one who asked and two of my friends were the ones who answered this time me and my friend talked about the activities at the IDN boarding school maybe that’s all from me thank you wassalamualikumwaroh matullahi wabarokatu